If you are a brazilian (or even a portuguese speaker) around the world, we can help you with Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a great revolution in global world. Few year ago, just some people in the world had acess to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy face to face. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (face to face) was restricted to some riches and developed coutries. Today, however, many people around the world can have Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
How can we helping brazilians around the world?
- Learn behavioral and cognitive techniques for coping with psychological problems, like depression;
- Improve your sociocultural adaptation, a great problem to many brazilians around the world;
- Learn more about the relations between language, cognition, and culture (eg. misunderstanding);
- Improve your problem solving techniques, don’t get in panic with your anxiety and stress;
- Married a foreigner and don’t know what to do now, because his/her is socioculturally strange?
- Learn to analyze people’s behavior, don’t be a “silly cockroach” in another coutry;
- There are many ways that we can help brazilians (or even portuguese speakers) around the world. Contact us now.
Our differentials and advantages
WAF Psychology: Online Therapy is a project developed to you. If you are a brazilian aroun the world (or even a portuguese speaker), we can help you. Our prices are very competitive on the internet (~$29,78 per 1h30min, and much more). Don’t waste your money with pseudosciences on the internet, start now Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Bellow, our differentials and advantages:
- PhD Wasney de Almeida Ferreira is psychologist, master in linguistics and PhD in epidemiology, from UFMG: one of the most prestigious universities at Brazil;
- Our sessions online has 1 hour and 30 minutes (Skype: $29,78): you will have many times to yourself;
- All sessions are recorded and analyzed offline: of course, if you agree with this part of the project;
- All analysis is carried out in writing: in the final of the treatment, you will have his/her “biography“;
- Our prices are very competitive ($29,78), because Brazilian real is cheap ($0,20=R$1,00);
- Payments can be through save methods, like Transferwise, PagueSeguro, PayPall etc;
- Advantages of online therapy and counseling at WAF Psychology are indisputable.
More about our project
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